
Marín, L. y Morales M. 2022. Berme, la abeja mermeja de la Mixteca Poblana. CONCYTEP, ECOCREANDO, Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales, Universidad Veracruzana. En imprenta.

2021    Marín, L. La Malintzi, el escarabajo descortezador y la necesidad del diálogo. La Jornada de Oriente. jornadadeoriente_malintzi_necesidad_dialogo

2020 Marín, L. y L. A. Rivera Marín. En la puerta de entrada a la Mixteca Poblana: El patrimonio biocultural de los pueblos de la región de Huehuetlan El Grande. Secretaría de Cultura, PACMYC, ECOCREANDO. 134 pp. (En_la_puerta_de_entrada_a_la_Mixteca_Poblana)

2019 Marín, L., M. Martínez-Sánchez, Philippe Sagot, D. Navarrete and H. Morales. Floral visitors in urban gardens and natural areas: diversity and interaction networks in a neotropical landscape. Basic and Applied Ecology.

2019 Vandermeer, J. et al. Marín, L. The community ecology of herbivore regulation in a agroecosystem: Lessons from complex systems. Bioscience.

2018    Morales, H; B. Ferguson, L.E. Marín , D. Navarrete-Gutiérrez, P. Bichier, and S.M. Philpott. Agroecological pest management in the city: experiences from California and Chiapas. Sustainability.

2016    Marín, L., S. Philpott, A. de la Mora, G. Ibarra-Núñez, S. Tryban, and I. Perfecto. Response of ground spiders to local and landscape factors in a Mexican coffee landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.

2014    Marín, L., D. Jackson, and I. Perfecto. A spatially explicit positive association between ants and spiders and potential mechanisms driving the pattern. Oikos.

2014    Iverson, A., L. E. Marín, K. Ennis, G. Gonthier, J. Remfert, B. Connor, B. Cardinale and I. Perfecto.  Do polycultures promote win-wins or tradeoffs in agricultural ecosystem services? A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology.

2014    Hajian-Forooshani, Z; D. J. Gonthier, L. Marín, A. Iverson, and I. Perfecto. Changes in species diversity of arboreal spiders in Mexican coffee agroecosystems: Untangling the web of local and landscape influences driving diversity. PeerJ. 10.7717/peerj.623

2013    Marín, L., and I. Perfecto. Spider diversity in coffee agroecosystems: The influence of agricultural intensification and aggressive ants. Environmental Entomology.

2013    Hajian-Forooshani, Z; D. J. Gonthier, L. Marín, A. Iverson and I. Perfecto. Arboreal spiders in coffee agroecosystems: Untangling the web of local and landscape influences driving diversity. PeerJPrePrints. doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.151v1

2009    Marín, L. Conservación de recursos naturales en Puebla: La deuda con el México profundo. Matria. La Jornada de Oriente.

2008      Marín, L., J. L. León-Cortés and C. Stefanescu. The effect of an agro-pasture landscape on diversity and migration patterns of frugivorous butterflies in Chiapas, Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation.

2004    León-Cortés, J. L., F. Pérez-Espinoza, L. Marín, and A. Molina-Martínez. Complex habitat requirements and conservation needs of the only extant Baroniinae swallowtail butterfly. Animal Conservation.

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