PHD. Manuel Suárez Gutiérrez
PhD in Engineering in Emerging Technologies. Academic at the Institute for Economic and Social Research and Higher Studies (IIESES) of the Universidad Veracruzana; Member of the National System of Researchers, Candidate Level; Member of the “Social Vulnerability Network” of ALAP; Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); Collaborator in the Academic Body “Science, Technology, Society, and Innovation in the Knowledge Society” and the Academic Body “Vitae-V.I.D.A.”; involved in the Knowledge Generation and Application Line “Social Innovation,” “Digital Vulnerability,” and “Educational Technology”; professor at the Faculty of Accounting and Administration at the Universidad Veracruzana in the Educational Program of Administrative Computer Systems; professor in the Master’s Program in Information Technology Management in Organizations; and professor in the Doctorate in Economic and Social Studies. Editor of the journal Interconectando Saberes affiliated with IIESES. Recently, he has given lectures and authored research articles in the areas of Big Data, Social Media, educational technology, and digital social vulnerability.