Call for papers: International Congress of Administrative Computer Systems «CONSCA 2011»

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I use this space to spread the International Congress of Administrative Computer Systems «CONSCA 2011 » It aims to be a space for sharing ideas, experiences and projects, primarily related to information technology.

The CONSCA 2011 under the slogan: «Computer Systems, Telematics and Sustainability in Organizations Knowledge Society», hopes to have jobs in which to share experiences, knowledge, ideas and opinions that contribute to the monitoring and development opportunities growth. The contributions of the authors must be original articles, unpublished and not under review in any other round in the following areas (which are not limiting):

  • Telematics Systems and Networks
  • Information Systems
  • Organizations Knowledge Society
  • ICT applied to education

Besides the technical program, the 2011 CONSCA include social and cultural activities. Important Dates

Deadline for paper submission: June 5, 2011 at 24 hrs, time Mexico City
Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2011
Shipping final versions of speakers and registration: August 1, 2011

Further information: