
Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent computing, problem-solving using bio-inspired algorithms, memetic algorithms, neural networks, and machine learning algorithms.
Software Engineering: Development of distributed systems and mobile applications

RECOGNITIONS – National Researcher Level I, National System of Researchers (Mexico), 2019-2021, 2022-2025; Conacyt Scholar, 2018-2020 (postdoctoral), 2013-2017 (Ph.D.), 2009-2011 (master’s degree); «Art, Science, Light» Award for the best thesis work (doctorate) 2018; Award for best averages of the System Incorporated into UNAM 2009.


Summary: Experience participating in various software development projects as a programmer. Since 2010, he has dedicated himself to research in the field of intelligent computing to solve different optimization problems, both numerical with constraints and combinatorics. He has participated in various specialized conferences in evolutionary computing and different evaluation committees. He belongs to the National System of Researchers and is assigned to the National Laboratory of Advanced Computing, where he serves as a professor-researcher. He has participated in designing and teaching the Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Computing course of the master’s program in Applied Computing since 2019. Since 2016, he has participated as an instructor of the Web Application Programming course on an Object-Oriented Platform (PAWPOO) of the Master in Networks and Integrated Systems. Finally, in 2022, he participated as an academic in the educational experience Development of Network Systems, of the B.s. in Software Engineering at the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics of the Universidad Veracruzana.

Academic: Full-Time Professor, Faculty of Statistics and Informatics, Universidad Veracruzana, August 2023 to date; Professor-Researcher, National Laboratory of Advanced Computing (LANIA), September 2018 to August 2022; doctoral stay at De Monfort University in Leicester, United Kingdom, June-October 2016; master’s professor in networks and integrated systems, LANIA, July 2014 to date; professor in master’s degree in applied computing, LANIA, January 2019 to date.

Development: LANIA External Consultant, September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2014. Maintenance Project: Participation in the web development of the system using ASP.NET and NHibernet technology with the VisualBasic.NET programming language. Fixed Assets Project: Participation in the web development of the system using ASP.NET and NHibernet technology with the VisualBasic.NET programming language. TenantAdmin Project: Participation in the web system analysis, design, and implementation using MVC 3.0, EntityFrameWork, and WCF technology with the Visual Basic.NET programming language. SATI Project: Participation in the web development of the IMSS store management system (SATI) using Ruby onRails technology.

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