Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Integración regional y sistemas locales de innovación: desafíos para las MIPYMES. Una perspectiva desde México.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: XXIX Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociología, ALAS Chile 2013.
Lugar/Place: Santiago de Chile.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 29 septiembre/September – 04 de octubre/October 2013.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Main economic, political and social consequences of the European crisis in peripheral countries.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: 1st Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting DIEM. Scientific Conference of Innovative Approaches to the contemporary Economic Problems.
Lugar/Place: Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 27-28 de septiembre/September 2013.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Euro area governance in times of crisis: Enough for Greece and Spain?
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: One International Relations or Many? Multiple Worlds, Multiple Crises.
Lugar/Place: Warsaw, Poland.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 18-21 de septiembre/September 2013.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Economic and Political impacts of the Global financial Crisis in the Autonomous Communities of Spain.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: 9th European Urban and Regional Studies Conference.
Lugar/Place: Brighton, Reino Unido/United Kingdom
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 10-12 de julio/July 2013.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Public Procurement for innovation: challenges and prospects for Latin America.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: ISMOT
Lugar/Place: Hangzhou, China.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 8-9 de noviembre/November 2012.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Entrepreneurship & Ethnic Markets: The Experience of Latinos in Spain.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: The Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) y PUC-Rio.
Lugar/Place: Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 28-30 de marzo/March 2012.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: América Móvil: conquering the Latin American mobile telephone market.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: The Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) y PUC-Rio.
Lugar/Place: Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 28-30 de marzo/March 2012.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Innovation and mobile pones: Opportunities for Latin America & the Caribbean.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: The Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) y la Escuela de Negocios, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
Lugar/Place: Santiago, Chile.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 13-15 de abril/April 2011.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: A supranational innovation system? The European experience and lessons for Latin America & the Caribbean.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: DIT 4th Strategic Forum, WAITRO 20th Biennial Congress & General Assembly.
Lugar/Place: Dubái, EAU.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 11-14 de octubre/Octubre 2010.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: The European Supranational Innovation System: Advantages & Challenges
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Graduate Conference.
Lugar/Place: Dublín, Irlanda.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 01 de septiembre/September 2010.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: A European Supranational Innovation System? Lessons for Latin America & the Caribbean.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: European Network on Industrial Policy International Conference.
Lugar/Place: Reus, España.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 9-11 de junio/June de 2010.
Titulo de la ponencia/Title of the presentation: Innovation in Mobile applications: Lessons for Mexico.
Evento organizado por/Event organized by: mLife 2009 (Exploring the influence of mobile technologies on life)
Lugar/Place: Barcelona, España/Spain.
Fecha del evento/Date of the event: 2-4 de septiembre/September de 2009.