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- V. Altuzar, S.A. Tomás, F. Sánchez-Sinencio, C. Mendoza-Barrera, O. Zelaya-Angel, Atmospheric boundary layer height calculation on Mexico City by employing the Eulerian Box model. Atmosfera, 23(3), 241-251 (2010).
- V. Altuzar, S. A. Tomás, J.L. Arriaga, O. Zelaya-Angel and F. Sánchez-Sinencio, CO2-laser photoacoustic spectroscopy applied to environmental analysis in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City Instrumentation Science and Technology, 34(1-2): 9–21, 2006
- V. Altuzar, S. A. Tomás, J.L. Arriaga., O. Zelaya-Angel and F. Sánchez-Sinencio, Atmospheric Ethene concentrations in Mexico City: Indications of strong diurnal and seasonal dependences. Atmospheric Environment, 39(29), 5219-5225 September 2005
- L. Martínez-Pérez, V. Altuzar, N. Muñoz Aguirre, V. Garibay-Febles, M. Aguilar-Frutis, O. Zelaya-Angel. Application of the Total Reflection phenomenon as a gas sensing technique using evaporated SnO2 thin film. Revista Mexicana de Física 50 (5): 518-521 OCT 2004
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- F. Vazquéz-Hernández, S.A. López-Haro, M.A. Meléndez Lira, María de Lourdes Albor-Aguilera, V. Altuzar y C. Mendoza-Barrera. Synthesis of Hap/chotosan composites via electrospinning: Preliminary results. 2008 ISBN 978-1-4244-2499-3. 5th International Conference Electrical Engineering; computing Science and Automatic Control CCE 2008, 238-241.
- Juan Manuel Hernández Lara, Victor Altuzar, Severino Muñoz Aguirre, Claudia Mendoza Barrera. Biosensado de interacciones biomoleculares mediante microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo. CIAJ2009 ISSN 1946-5351. Congreso de Investigación de (2009) 22-28.