
  • Aproximación Piecewise-Linear de Funciones No-Lineales
  • Diseño Asistido por Computadora (CAD) para Modelado, Análisis y Simulación de Circuitos
  • Diseño de Circuitos Integrados
  • Síntesis de Filtros Analógicos

Artículos Publicados

• Víctor M. Jiménez, David Baéz López, “Modified Chebyshev Filter Design”, IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 7 –2000.

• David Baéz López, Juan Manuel Ramírez, Luis Gerardo Guerrero and Víctor Jiménez Fernández, “On the Design of a Class of Chebyshev Filters”, Advances in Information Science and Soft Computing, Electrical and Computer Engineering Series A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks. Published by WSEAS Press. ISBN: 960-8052-60-2.

• Ulises de Jesús García Cárdenas, Luis Hernández Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento Reyes y Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, “Búsqueda de la Solución en DC de circuitos resistivos nolineales PWL mediante la reducción de elementos”, IEEE Congreso Inter-Universitario de Electrónica, Computación y Eléctrica (CIECE), Puebla, March 7, 2005.

• Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento Reyes, “DC analysis of networks containing piecewise-linear elements”, 48th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, August 7-10, 2005.

 • Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martinez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, “An iterative decomposed piecewise-linear representation”, XII IBERCHIP Workshop, San José de Costa Rica, March 22, 2006.

• Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, “A method for finding the DC solution regions in piecewise-linear networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS06, Kos Island Greece, May 21, 2006.

 • Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, “Decomposed piecewise-linear models by hyperplanes unbending”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS06, Kos Island Greece, May 21, 2006.

• Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, “Two dimensional piecewise-linear representation: an iterative-decomposed approach”, IEEE International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems, ICCDCS06, Playa del Carmen México, April 26, 2006.

 • Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, “Piecewise-linear representation: an iterative-decomposed symbolic approach”, International Workshop on Symbolic Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD’06, Firenze Italy, October 12-13, 2006.



• Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, “Applying an iterative-decomposed piecewise-linear model to find multiple operating points”, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD) 2007, Seville Spain, August 26, 2007.

• Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Juan Agustín Rodríguez, Pedro M. Julián, Osvaldo Agamenoni, and Martín di Federico, “Digital Architecture for R6 PWL function computation”, Escuela de Microelectrónica, Tecnología y Aplicaciones, Córdoba Argentina, September 15, 2007.

• Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Pedro Marcelo Julián, Osvaldo Agamennoni, Martín di Federico, Luis Hernández –Martínez and Arturo Sarmiento Reyes, “Finding operating points in networks containing MOS transistors by a piecewise-linear approach”, Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control (RPIC) 2007, Río Gallegos Prov. Santa Cruz, October 2007.

• Martín di Federico, Víctor M. Jiménez-Fernández, Pedro Marcelo Julián and Osvaldo Agamenoni, “An integrated circuit realization for a piecewise linear function”, Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control (RPIC) 2007, Río Gallegos Prov. Santa Cruz, October 2007.



• Víctor M. Jiménez-Fernández, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, Miguel A. Gutiérrez de Anda, María Teresa-Sanz, “Finding all the operating points in piecewise-linear electrical networks: an iterative decomposed approach”, 15-th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS, Malta, August 31 – September 03, 2008.

• J. A. Rodríguez, P. Julián, O. Lifzchitz, O. Agamennoni, V. M. Jimenez-Fernandez, “VLSI microprocessor Architecture for a Simplicial PWL Function Evaluation Core”. Aceptado en: Argentine School of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications, EAMTA, Buenos Aires Argentina, September 13-21, 2008.

• Víctor Manuel Jiménez Fernández, L. Arturo Sarmiento Reyes, Luis Hernández Martínez, Alfonso Fernández Vázquez, “Capacitor-Coupled Resonator Modified-Chebyshev Band-Pass Filter Synthesis Algorithm”, International Workshop on Symbolic Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD’08, Germany October 6-8, 2008.

• V.M. Jiménez-Fernández, P. Marcelo-Julián, J. Agustín-Rodríguez, O. Agamennoni, “Evaluation Algorithm for a Decomposed Simplicial Piecewise-Linear Formulation”, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, ISSN: 1665-6423, vol.6, no.3, December 2008, pp. 159-169.



• Victor Jimenez-Fernandez, Luis Hernandez-Martinez, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, “An iterative decomposed piecewise-linear model description”, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, e-ISSN: 1563-5031, 2009.

•Teresita de J. Rincón Escobar, Carolina Bernard Reyes y Víctor M. Jiménez Fernández, “Arquitectura digital para la evaluación de funciones no-lineales: una perspectiva de interpolación triangular”, Memorias del XXIV Congreso de Instrumentación SOMI-2009, pp.43-46, Mérida, Yucatán, México.



• Hernández Paxtián, Z.J., Gómez Puerto, R.A y Jiménez Fernández, V.M., “Implementación de Neurona Artificial”, Memorias del 3er. Encuentro de Investigadores celebrado en la Cd. de Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mayo 2010.

• Contreras-Galicia, G., Castillo-Rodríguez, E., Ramírez-Rodríguez, J, Jiménez-Fernández, V., Sánchez-Orea J. y Hernández-Paxtián, Z., “Implementación Analógica para el Modelo Lineal a Tramos de Chua-Kang”, VI Semana Nacional de Ingeniería Electrónica Serie 10, pp. 151-157, H. Huajuapan de León Oaxaca, México, Octubre 2010.

• Jiménez-Fernández, V., Hernández Paxtián, Z.J., “Memristor: El Cuarto Elemento de la Electrónica”, Poster Nanotrón 2010, Puebla, Puebla, México, Noviembre 2010.

• Zulma J. Hernández Paxtián, Laura C. Torres Araujo y Víctor M. Jiménez Fernández, “Enseñanza de la Electrónica Básica: Aplicabilidad de la Simulación de Circuitos como Técnica Educativa para la Evaluación por Competencias”, 3er. Foro Latinoamericano de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Puebla, Puebla, Noviembre de 2010.



• Zulma J. Hernández Paxtián, Laura C. Torres Araujo y Víctor M. Jiménez Fernández, “Importance of the Virtual Laboratory as an Educational Technique”, XIV Congreso Internacional de Informática Educativa “InforEdu 2011”, La Habana, Cuba, Febrero de 2011.

•Jaime Ehrenzweig, Maribel Jiménesz Fernández, V. M. Jimenez-Fernandez, Zulma Janet Hernández Paxtían, Francisco Javier González Martínez, «Metodología para la Construcción y Caracterización de Celdas Graetzel a partir de Tinte de Capullin», Congreso de Computación y Electrónica CONCvE 2011, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas «Francisco García Salinas», Abril del 2011.

 • Zulma J. Hernández-Paxtián, Laura C. Torres-Araujo y Víctor M. Jiménez-Fernández, “Teaching Basic Electronic: Applicability of the Circuit Simulation as an Educational Technique Competencies Evaluation, INTED 2011 International Tecnnology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia,  España, (a celebrarse en Marzo de 2011).

• Zulma Janet Hernández Paxtían , Laura C. Torres Araujo, V. M. Jimenez-Fernandez, «Importancia del Laboratorio Virtual con una técnica educativa», XIV Congreso Internacional de Informática en la Educación, ISBN: 978-959-7213-01-7, Havana,Cuba, Marzo del 2011

•Víctor Jiménez-Fernández, Carlos Ventura-Arizmendi, Denisse Martínez-Navarrete, Francisco González-Martínez, “Digital Architecture for a Median Filter of Image Based on Sorting Network”, Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications (CISST’11), ISSN: 1792-779X, ISBN: 978-960-474-271-4, pp. 56-59, Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Enero de 2011.

• Z. Hernández-Paxtián, Víctor M. Jiménez-Fernández and J. Ramírez-Rodríguez, “Síntesis Circuital de un Biopotencial”, InternetElectronicJournal Nanociencias et Moletrónica (IEJNetM),Vol-9,  No.1, pp.1627-1638 , Junio 2011.

• V. Jiménez-Fernández, L. Hernández-Martínez, Z. Hernández-Paxtián and C. Ventura- Arizmendi, “Finding all the operating points in piecewise-linear circuits by an iterative-decomposed approach”, InternetElectronicJournal Nanociencias et Moletrónica (IEJNetM), No.1, pp.1639-1654, Junio 2011.

• Victor Jimenez-Fernandez, Denisse Martinez-Navarrete, Carlos Ventura-Arizmendi, Zulma Hernandez-Paxtian, Joel Ramirez-Rodriguez, «Digital Circuit Architecture for a Median Filter of Grayscale Images Based on Sorting Networks», International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Issue 3, Volume 5, pp. 297-304, 2011.

Juan A. Rodríguez, Omar D. Liftschitz, Víctor M. Jimenez-Fernandez, Pedro Julián and Osvaldo Agamennoni, «Application Specific Processor for Piecewise Linear Functions Computation«, IEEE Journal: Regular papers, Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, ISSN: 1549-8328, Vol.58, pp. 971-981, May 2011.



• Hector Vazquez-Leal, R. Castaneda-Sheissa, A. Yildirim, Y. Khan, A. Sarmiento-Reyes, V. Jiménez- Fernández, A.L. Herrera-May, U. Filobello-Niño, F. Rabago-Bernal, C. Hoyos-Reyes, “Biparameter Homotopy-based Direct Current Simulation of Multistable Circuits”, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, Science Domain International, pp.137-150, ISSN:2231-0851, 2012.$$xgreen$$yDOAJ-Link&aid=640

Hector Vazquez-Leal, Yasir Khan, Guillermo Fernandez-Anaya, Agustín Herrera-May, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, Uriel Filobello-Niño, Victor M. Jimenez-Fernandez, Domitilo Pereyra-Díaz, “A General Solution for Troesch´s Problem”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2012, Vol. 2013, ISSN: 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online),

Victor Manuel Jimenez-Fernandez, Jose Alfonso Dominguez-Chavez, Hector Vazquez-Leal, Agustin Gallardo del Angel, Zulma Hernandez-Paxtian, “Descripción del Modelo Eléctrico del Memristor”, Revista Mexicana del Física-E, Vol. 58 (2), ISSN: 1870-3542, pp. 113-119, December 2012.

• Victor M. Jimenez-Fernandez, Ana D. Martinez, Joel Ramirez, Jesus S. Orea, Omar Alba, Pedro Julian, Juan A. Rodriguez, Osvaldo Agamennoni and Omar D. Lifschitz, Book Chapter: “VLSI Design of Sorting Networks in CMOS Technology”,  Book: VLSI Design, Edited by Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle and Sheldon Tan, InTech open publisher, ISBN: 978-953-307-884-7, Printed in Croatia,  January 2012.



Hector Vazquez-Leal, Yasir Khan, Agustin Herrera-May, Uriel Filobello-Nino, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, Victor Manuel Jimenez-Fernandez, Domilito Pereyra-Diaz, Agustin Perez-Sesma, Roberto Castaneda-Sheissa, Alejandro Diaz-Sanchez, and Jesus Huerta-Chua, “Approximations for Large Deflection of a Cantilever Bram Under a Terminal Follower Force and Nonlinear Pendulum”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2013, ISSN: 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online),

H. Vazquez-Leal, A. Marin-Hernandez, Y. Khan, A. Yıldırım, U. Filobello-Nino, R. Castaneda-Sheissa, V.M. Jimenez-Fernandez,  “Exploring collision-free path planning by using homotopy continuation methods”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier ISSN: 0096-3003. Vol. 219, Issue 14, pp. 7514-7532, March 2013.

• H. Vazquez-Leal, A. Sarmiento-Reyes, U. Filobello-Nino, Y. Khan, A.L. Herrera-May, Roberto Castaneda-Sheissa, V.M. Jimenez-Fernandez, M. Vargas-Dorame and J. Sabchez-Orea, “A Homotopy Continuation Approach for Testing a Basic Analog Circuit”, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, 3 (3)2013, ISSN: 2231-0851,

V. M. Jimenez-Fernandez, C. Reyes-Betanzos, M. Angelica-Cerdan, Z. J. Hernandez-Paxtian, Hector Vazquez-Leal and A- Itzmoyotl-Toxqui, “Prediction of silicon dry etching using a piecewise-linear algorithm”, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, DOI:10.1080/02533839.2012.743231, April, 2013., 0253-3839 (Print), 2158-7299 (Online)

 U. Filobello-Nino, H. Vazquez-Leal, Y. Khan, A. Perez-Sesma, A. Diaz-Sanchez, A. Herrera-May, D. Pereyra-Diaz, R. Castañeda-Sheissa, V.M. Jimenez-Fernandez, and J. Cervantes-Perez, “ A handly exact solution for flow due to a stretching boundary with partial slip”, Revista Mexicana del Física-E, Vol. 59(1), ISSN: 1870-3542, pp. 51-55, January 2013.

• U. Filobello-Nino, H. Vazquez-Leal, K. Boubaker, Y. Khan, A. Perez-Sesma, A. Sarmiento-Reyes, V.M. Jimenez-Fernandez, A. Diaz-Sanchez, A, Herrera-May, J. Sanchez-Orea and K. Pereyra-Castro, “Perturbation Method as a Powerful Tool to Solve Highly Nonlinear Problems: The Case pf Gelfand´s Equation”,  Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics, ISSN: 1994-5418, DOI: 10.3923/ajms.2013.

• V.M. Jimenez-Fernandez, E. Muñoz-Aguirre, H. Vazquez-Leal, J.A. Chavez-Aragon, L. Hernandez-Martinez, L.A. Sarmiento-Reyes,  and M. Angelica-Cerdan, «A Piecewise Linear Fitting Technique for Multivalued Twodimensional Paths«, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Vol.11, no.5, pp.636-640, October 2013.

• Victor M. Jimenez-Fernandez, Hector H. Cerecedo-Nuñez, Hector Vazquez-Leal, Luis Beltran-Parrazal, and Uriel Filobello-Nino, «A parametric piecewise-linear approach to laser projection«, Springer-Computational and Applied Mathematics, DOI:10.1007/s40314-013-0099-2, November 2013.

 • U. Filobello-Nino, H. Vazquez-Leal, Y. Khan, A. Yildirim, V.M. Jimenez-Fernandez, A.L. Herrera-May, R. Castaneda-Sheissa, and J.Cervantes-Perez, “Using Perturbation methods and Laplace–Padé approximation to solve nonlinear problems”, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol.14, No.1, pp.89-101,  2013.

• U. Filobello-Nino, H. Vazquez-Leal, Y. Khan, A. Perez-Sesma, A. Diaz-Sanchez, V.M. Jimenez-Fernandez, A. Herrera-May, D. Pereyra-Diaz, J.M. Mendez-Perez, and J. Sanchez-Orea, «Laplace transform-homotopy perturbation method as a powerful tool to solve nonlinear problems with boundary conditions defined on finite intervals«, Springer-Computational and Applied Mathematics, DOI: 10.1007/s40314-013-0073-z, August 2013,



• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Vazquez-Leal H., Filobello-Nino U., Cerecedo-Nunez H.H., Padilla-Sosa P. and Beltran-Parrazal L.,»A comparative study between Piecewise-Linear and Point-based methodologies for galvanometer mirror systems«, Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 73, pp. 124-133, 2014, ISSN 0120-6230, JCR 2013: 0.070.

Vazquez-Leal H., Benhammouda B., Filobello-Nino U., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Garcia-Gervacio J.L., Huerta-Chua J., Morales-Mendoza L.J. and Gonzalez-Lee M., «Direct application of Pade approximant for solving nonlinear differential equations«, SpringerPlus, 3:563, 2014, September 2014, JCR 2015: 0.982, doi: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-563,

Vazquez-Leal H., Benhammouda B., Filobello-Nino U., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Marin-Hernandez A., Herrera-May A., Diaz-Sanchez A. and Huerta-Chua J., «Modified Taylor series method for solving nonlinear differential equations with mixed boundary conditions defined on finite intervals«, SpringerPlus, 3:160, 2014, March 2014, JCR 2015: 0.982, doi:10.1186/2193-1801-3-160.

Vazquez-Leal H., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Benhammouda B., Filobello-Nino U., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Ramirez-Pinero A., Marin-Hernandez A., and Huerta-Chua J., «Modified hyperspheres algorithm to trace homotopy curves of nonlinear circuits composed by piecewise linear modelled devices«, The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2014, Article ID 938598, 11 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/938598. ISSN: 2356-6140.

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Benhammouda B., Hernandez-Martinez L., Hoyos-Reyes C., Perez-Sesma J.A.A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Pereyra-Diaz D., Marin-Hernandez A., Diaz-Sanchez A., Huerta-Chua J. and Cervantes-Perez J. «Nonlinearities distribution Laplace transform-homotopy perturbation method«, SpringerPlus, 3:594, 2014, December 2014, JCR 2015: 0.982, doi: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-594.

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Cervantes-Perez J., Benhammouda B., Perez-Sesma A., Hernandez-Martinez L., Jimenez-Fernandez V. M., Herrera-May A.L., Pereyra-Diaz D., Marin-Hernandez A. and Huerta-Chua J., «A handy approximate solution for a squeezing flow between two infinite plates by using of Laplace transform-homotopy perturbation method«, SpringerPlus, 3:421, 2014, August 2014, JCR 2015: 0.982, doi: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-421,

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Khan Y., Pereyra-Diaz D., Perez-Sesma A., Diaz-Sanchez A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Herrera-May A., Lopez-Martinez R. y Sanchez-Orea J., «Modified nonlinearities distribution Homotopy Perturbation method as a tool to find power series solutions to ordinary differential equations«, Nova Scientia, Número 12, Vol. 6 (12) 2014. ISSN: 2007 – 0705. Indexed in CONACYT.

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Benhammouda B., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Pereyra-Diaz D., Perez-Sesma A., Cervantes-Perez J., Huerta-Chua J., Sanchez-Orea J., and Contreras-Hernandez A.D., “Approximate solutions for flow with a stretching boundary due to partial slip”, International Scholarly Research Notices, Vol. 2014, Article ID 747098, 10 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/747098,



Vazquez-Leal H., Khan Y., Fernandez-Anaya G., Filobello-Nino U., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Herrera-May A., Diaz-Sanchez A., Marin-Hernandez A. and Huerta-Chua J., “Perturbation method applied to a basic diode circuit”, Revista Mexicana de Física, 61(2015), 69-73, January-February 2015, ISSN:0035-001X, JCR 2015: 0.406, Indexado en CONACYT.

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Benhammouda B., Perez-Sesma A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Cervantes-Perez J., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Huerta-Chua J., Morales-Mendoza L.J., Gonzalez-Lee M., Diaz-Sanchez A., Pereyra-Diaz D. and Lopez-Martinez R., «Analytical Solutions for Systems of Singular Partial Differential-Algebraic Equations,» Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol. 2015, Article ID 752523, 9 pages, 2015, JCR 2013: 0.882, ISSN: 1026-0226. doi:10.1155/2015/752523,

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Boubaker K., Sarmiento-Reyes A. , Perez-Sesma A., Diaz-Sanchez A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Cervantes-Perez J., Sanchez-Orea J., Huerta-Chua J., Morales-Mendoza L.J., Gonzalez-Lee M., Hernandez-Mejia C. and Gonzalez-Martinez F.J., «Nonlinearities Distribution Homotopy Perturbation Method Applied to Solve Nonlinear Problems: Thomas-Fermi Equation as a Case Study,» Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2015, Article ID 405108, 9 pages, 2015, JCR 2013: 0.720, doi:10.1155/2015/405108

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Sandoval-Hernandez M., Perez-Sesma A., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Benhammouda B., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Huerta-Chua J., Hernandez-Machuca S.F., Mendez-Perez J.M., Morales-Mendoza L.J., and Gonzalez-Lee M., «Extension of Laplace transform-homotopy perturbation method to solve nonlinear differential equations with variable coefficients defined with Robin boundary conditions«, Neural Comput&Applic, 2015, November 2015, JCR 2015: 1.492, doi: 10.1007/s00521-015-2080-z

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Benhammouda B., Perez-Sesma A., Cervantes-Perez J., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Diaz-Sanchez A., Herrera-May A.,Pereyra-Diaz D., Marin-Hernandez A., Huerta-Chua J. and Sanchez-Orea J., «Perturbation Method and Laplace-Padé Approximation as a Novel Tool to Find Approximate Solutions for Troesch’s Problem«, No. 14, Vol. 7(2) 2015, pp. 57-73, Nova Scientia, 2015. ISSN 2007 – 0705, Indexed in CONACYT.



• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Vazquez-Leal H., Filobello-Nino U., Jimenez-Fernandez M., Morales-Mendoza L.J., Gonzalez-Lee M., “Exploring the use of two dimensional piecewise-linear functions as an alternative model for representing and processing grayscale-images”, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Accepted for Publication Vol. 14(5) October 2016, ISSN 1665-6423. JCR 2013: 0.447, doi: 10.1016/j.jart.2016.09.001, Indexado en CONACYT.

• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Vazquez-Leal H., Luna-Lozano P.S., Vazquez-Beltran J.L., Garcia-Santiago G., Valdes-Ortega E., “Digital architecturefor a piecewise-linear arbitrary-waveform generator”, Sadhana, 41 (8), August 2016, pp.847-853, ISSN: 0256-2499. JCR 2015: 0.349, doi: 10.1007/s12046-016-0527-2,

• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Jimenez-Fernandez M., Vazquez-Leal H., Munoz-Aguirre E., Cerecedo-Nunez H.H., Filobello-Nunez U.A., Castro-Gonzalez F.J., “Transforming the canonical piecewise-linear modelinto a smooth-piecewise representation”, SpringerPlus, 2016 5:1612, Sept. 2016, JCR 2015: 0.982, doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3278-y,

• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Jimenez-Fernandez M., Vazquez-Leal H., Filobello-Nino U.A., Castro-Gonzalez F.J., “Smoothing the High Level Canonical Piecewise-Linear Model by an Exponential Approximation of its Basis Function”, Computacion y Sistemas, 20(2) 2016, ISSN: 2007-9737, Indexado en CONACYT.

Ramirez-Pinero A., Vazquez-Leal H., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Sedighi H.M. ,Rashidi M.M., Filobello-Nino U., Castaneda-Sheissa R., Huerta-Chua J., Sarmiento-Reyes L.A., Laguna-Camacho J.R. and Castro-Gonzalez F.,“Speed-up hyperspheres homotopic path tracking algorithm for PWL circuits simulations”, SpringerPlus, 5:890, 2016, June 2016, JCR 2015: 0.982, doi:10.1186/s40064-016-2534-5 ,

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Perez-Sesma A., Cervantes-Perez J., Hernandez-Martinez L., Herrera-May A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Marin-Hernandez A., Hoyos-Reyes C., Diaz-Sanchez A. and Huerta-Chua J., «On a practical methodology for optimization of the trial function in order to solve BVP problems by using a Modified Version of Picard Method«, Appl. Math. Inf. Sci., 10, No. 4, 1355-1367 (2016), July 2016, JCR 2013: 1.232,

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Rashidi M.M., Sedighi H.M., Perez-Sesma A., Sandoval-Hernandez M., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Contreras-Hernandez A.D., Pereyra-Diaz D., Hoyos-Reyes C., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Huerta-Chua J., Castro-Gonzalez F. and Laguna-Camacho J.R., “Laplace transform homotopy perturbation method for the approximation of variational problems”, SpringerPlus, 2016, 5:276, March 2016, JCR 2015: 0.982, doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-1755-y,


Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Sarmiento-Reyes A., Cervantes-Perez J., Perez-Sesma A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Pereyra-Diaz D., Huerta-Chua J., Morales-Mendoza L.J., Gonzalez-Lee M. and Castro-Gonzalez F., “Laplace transform-homotopy perturbation method with arbitrary initial approximation and residual error cancelation”, Applied Mathematical Modelling 41(2017), 180-194, January 2017, JCR 2015: 2.291,

• Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Benhammouda B., Perez-Sesma A.,  Sarmiento-Reyes A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Marin-Hernandez A., Pereyra-Castro K., Sanchez-Orea J., Cervantes-Perez J. and Huerta-Chua J., “Differential Operators homotopy perturbation method (DOHPM): an automated selection procedure for adjustment parameters ”, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 11(6), 1585-1595, November 2017, JCR 2013: 1.232,

Tlapa-Carrera V.M., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Vazquez-Leal H., Filobello-Nino U.A., Garcia-Guzman J., Castro-Gonzalez F., «Modeling of three-dimensional surfaces using high-level canonical piecewise-linear functions in cylindrical coordinates», COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS-Springer, 1:14, JCR 2017,

Martinez-Melchor J.A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Vazquez-Leal H. and Filobello-Nino U.A., «Optimization of collision-free paths in a differential-drive robot by a smoothing piecewise-linear approach», COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS-Springer, 1:22, JCR 2017,

Sandoval-Hernandez M., Vazquez-Leal H., Hernandez-Martinez L., Filobello-Nino U.A., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., A.Herrera-May L.A., Castañeda-Sheissa R., Ambrosio-Lazaro R.C., and Diaz-Arango G., «Approximation of Fresnel Integrals with Applications to Diffraction Problems», Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018, 1:13, JCR 2017,

Filobello-Nino U.A., Vazquez-Leal H., Herrera-May A.L., Ambrosio-Lazaro R.C.,  Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Sandoval-Hernandez M.A., Alvarez-Gasca O., Palma-Grayeb B.E., «The study of heat transfer phenomena by using modified homotopy perturbation method coupled by laplace transform», Thermal Science, Volume 2018, JCR 2017,

Gonzalez-Lee M., Vazquez-Leal H., Gomez-Aguilar J.F., Morales-Mendoza L.J.,  Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Laguna-Camacho J.R., and Calderon-Ramon C.M., «Exploring the Cross-Correlation as a Means for Detecting Digital Watermarks and Its Reformulation Into the Fractional Calculus Framework», IEEE Access Volume 6, JCR 2017, https://10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2882405

Gallo G, Vazquez-Leal H., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Osorio G., Angulo F. and Martinez-Melchor J.A., «Homotopic approach for the simulation of DC-DC power electronics converters», ANZIAM Journal, Volume 60, JCR 2017,


• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Valdes-Ortega E., Martinez-Melchor J.A., Vazquez-Leal H., Filobello-Nino U.A. and Carrillo-Ramon N., “A new representation of polygonal curves based on piecewise-linear functions with potential application in shape identification”, Sadhana, 44(2), February 2019,  JCR 2017

• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Sevilla-Angel J.M., Vazquez-Leal H., Filobello-Nino U.A., Martinez-Melchor J.A. and Ramirez-Leyva F.H., “Experimental validation of analog Chebyshev filters with improved group-delay”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 100, July 2019,  JCR 2018

Filobello-Nino U.A., Vazquez-Leal H., Castaneda-Sheissa R., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Herrera-May A.L., Huerta-Chua J., Gil-Adalid L. and Pretelin-Canela E., “An Analytical Approximate Solution for the Quasi-Steady State Michaelis-Menten Problem”, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society-Hindawi, 2019, March 2019,  JCR 2017



• Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Jimenez-Fernandez M., Vazquez-Leal H., Filobello-Nino U.A., Castañeda-Roldan C.H. and Tlapa-Carrera V.M., “A New Methodology to Extend the Canonical Piecewise-Linear Model from One to Two Dimensions”, National Academy Science Letters, 2020, April 2020,  JCR 2019

Filobello-Nino U., Vazquez-Leal H., Herrera-May A.L., Ambrosio-Lazaro R.C., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Sandoval-Hernandez M.A., Alvarez-Gasca O., Palma-Grayeb B.E.,»The study of heat transfer phenomena by using modified homotopy perturbation method coupled by Laplace transform«, Thermal Science,Vol.24, N0.2 Part B, pp. 1105-1115. JCR

Diaz-Arango G., Vazquez-Leal H., Hernandez-Martinez L., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Heredia-Jimenez A., Ambrosio R.C., Huerta-Chua J., De Cos-Cholula H., Hernandez-Mendez S.,  «Multiple-Target Homotopic Quasi-Complete Path Planning Method for Mobile Robot Using a Piecewise Linear Approach. Sensors«, 2020; 20 (11):3265.


• Jimenez-Fernandez, V.M., «A graphical compensation approach for smoothing the one-dimensional canonical piecewise-linear model«, Sādhanā 46, 175 (2021). JCR

Filobello-Nino U.,1 Vazquez-Leal H., Huerta-Chua J., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., Sandoval-HernandezM.A., Delgado-Alvarado E., Tlapa-Carrera V.M., «A Novel Version of HPM Coupled with the PSEM Method for Solving the Blasius Problem«, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol. 2021, Article ID 5909174, 12 pages, 2021. JCR


Zazueta-Gambino, A., Reyes-Betanzo C., Jimenez-Fernandez V.M., «Localized Capture of Bacteria in an Interdigitated Electrode Impedance Biosensor«, IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 20 No. 3 (2022). JCR

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