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Cuerpo Académico UV Docencia
Publicaciones |
Artículos Lista completa de artículos2022L Robledo-Ospina, D Rao. Dangerous visions: a review of visual antipredator strategies in spiders. Evolutionary Ecology 2021Rodríguez-Morales, D., Tapia-McClung, H., Robledo-Ospina, L. E. & Rao, D. Colour and motion affect a dune wasp’s ability to detect its cryptic spider predators. Sci Rep-uk 11, 15442 (2021). Quijano‐Cuervo, L. G., Méndez‐Castro, F. E., Rao, D., Sarria, F. E. & Negrete‐Yankelevich, S. Spatial relationships between spiders and their host vascular epiphytes within shade trees in a Mexican coffee plantation. Biotropica 53, 954–965 (2021). Rosales-García, R., Tapia-McClung, H., Narendra, A. & Rao, D. Many paths, one destination: mapping the movements of a kleptoparasitic spider on the host’s web. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 1–9 (2021) doi:10.1007/s00359-021-01477-3. Robledo-Ospina, L. E. et al. Prey colour biases of araneophagic mud-daubing wasps. Animal Behaviour 172, 25–33 (2021). 2020
Participación como ponente o conferencista en eventos académicos 2021
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