Universidad Veracruzana

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Entry Profile to the Industrial Engineering Education Program

Admission profile

The applicant for an Industrial Engineering degree must have a solid background in the Mathematical-Physical Sciences Area or in Administration Sciences. As well as own:

  • Interest in research, study and self-learning.
  • Attitude for teamwork.
  • Capacity for analysis, synthesis, adaptation to new situations, ingenuity, inventiveness and creative spirit.
  • Proactive and entrepreneurial attitude.
  • Values ​​that allow him to act in human relationships with responsibility, dedication, honesty, tolerance, respect and ethics.
  • Open mind that allows you to detect, define the nature, causes and affects of the problems.
  • Basic knowledge in the English language and computing.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 17 julio, 2024 Responsable: Mtro. Javier Calderón Sánchez Contacto: jacalderon@uv.mx