Universidad Veracruzana

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Graduate Profile of the Electrical Engineering Education Program

Profile of Exit.

The electrical engineer graduated from the University of Veracruz is a professional committed to the sustainable development of cities and rural communities, qualified for the analysis, planning, design, manufacture, operation, administration, Maintenance and continuous improvement of electrical systems. Its formation, based on the knowledge of the mathematical physical sciences, and oriented to the study of the systems for generation, transmission, distribution, transformation and rational use of the electrical energy in its different levels and contexts, gives it The potential to become an active agent in the transformation of their environment, concerned with maintaining their ethical and moral principles, their continuous training and self-learning, and, above all, their professional commitment to the global well-being of society.

At the end of his studies, the electrical engineer graduated from the University of Veracruz has the following competencies:

  • Actively participates in the planning, research, design, development, operation, maintenance, and sustainable use of electrical equipment and systems.
  • Analyzes, designs, develops, implements, operates and maintains control systems for applications in industrial electrical systems.
  • Proposes, researches, designs, develops, implements and evaluates analogue and digital electronic devices and systems in electrical engineering applications.
  • Plans, organizes, manages and controls electrical engineering projects.
  • conducts financial and process optimization studies related to the electrical industry.
  • It participates propositively in the operation and maintenance of power generating plants, with a sustainable approach oriented to an increasing use of clean energies.
  • Participates in quality management systems in the electrical industry.
  • He collaborates actively with professionals of the mechanical, electronic and administrative areas, carrying out transdisciplinary work.

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Fecha: 26 junio, 2024 Responsable: Mtro. Javier Calderón Sánchez Contacto: jacalderon@uv.mx