Universidad Veracruzana

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Graduate Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Education Program

Exit profile.

The graduate of mechanical engineering will have a solid training and knowledge in mathematics, chemistry, Physics, numerical methods and computation, as well as in the areas of mechanical design, manufacturing, power conversion plants and material technology, That will allow you to perform efficiently during your professional life and will serve as a basis to specialize, undertake postgraduate studies and, above all, to keep up to date with the constant advances in the techniques and technologies of the Mechanical Engineering.

It will also be able to:

  • Adapt with creativity and imagination to life changes and professionals.
  • Manage and integrate working groups.
  • To plan the economic, social and environmental impacts in the development of projects.
  • Communicating and arranging with other professionals, as well as integrating and managing interdisciplinary work teams, adopting an entrepreneurial, leadership, committed and responsible attitude.

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Fecha: 10 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Mtro. Javier Calderón Sánchez Contacto: jacalderon@uv.mx