Universidad Veracruzana

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Objectives of the Electrical Engineering Education Program

General objective.

To train competent professionals in the area of electrical engineering, through the correct application of theoretical knowledge that allows it to develop skills to support the analysis, design, control and application in electrical systems and devices, As well as the exploitation and conservation of natural resources and the environment.

Particular objectives.

  • Diversify and offer new educational programs at the degree level in the area of electrical engineering, recognized as an area of current opportunity.
  • To complement the student’s training through the development of skills and skills of oral and written communication that allow the analysis, evaluation and application of electrical engineering.
  • To satisfy the demands of the society and of the producers of goods and services in the areas of generation, transformation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy.
  • To participate in tasks of development, improvement and diffusion of the use of procedures and products of industrial application or of services with proposals of innovation.
  • To train professionals in the area of electricity, able to apply their knowledge for the benefit and sustainable development of Mexican society.

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Fecha: 11 marzo, 2025 Responsable: Mtro. Javier Calderón Sánchez Contacto: jacalderon@uv.mx