Año 3 • No. 102 • mayo 19 de 2003
Xalapa • Veracruz • México
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 Región Veracruz-
 Boca del Río

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Expand Your Horizons: Interpretation
Courses at UV

By Jay Bildstein
Recently I had the pleasure to attend a course given at the Universidad Veracruzana entitled Interpretation II. I had previously taken Interpretation I and found the class to be highly useful. Interpretation II was a perfect compliment to the preceding course.

The interpretation courses are given by Yvette Citizen, a well known professor at UV, who hails from Arizona. Citizen is a certified court interpreter in the United States as well as an excellent educator. Her classes mark an opportunity for people who are either foreign students studying Spanish, or Mexican students studying English, to utilize their language skills in the theater of the real.

Interpretation I gives a healthy dose of linguistic theory and interpretation technique, artfully blended by Yvette, with heaping doses of actual practice interpreting either simultaneously or consecutively. Interpretation II builds upon the preceding course and ends with a mock conference in an auditorium, where students have to get up on stage, in front of an audience and interpret, in consecutive, fashion for a speaker who is giving a seminar.

The courses are invaluable. For those who seek to work as professional interpreters they build the foundation for a profession that is both demanding and rewarding. For all other students of Spanish and English they serve a variety of functions. You develop a better understanding of your second language through the process of interpretation. Just the expansion of your vocabulary alone, makes the courses well worth taking. You are also provided with the opportunity to discuss nuances of meaning with your classmates. This is particularly instructive in that frequently, phrases in one language do not correlate on a one to one basis with another language. You get to hash this out in class.

My motivation to take the interpretation courses was twofold. I thought that they would help me to further learn and understand the Spanish language. I also believed that as a public speaker, I would gain greater insight into the work that an interpreter would do if they were interpreting one of my talks. I was more than satisfied on both counts and walked away from the classes with a newfound respect for this profession.

We live in a world of great uncertainty where, seemingly, conflict lies around every corner. Nations appear to be at greater odds with each other, with tensions and tempers often appearing to be at the breaking point. I have always held that education and communication provide the two best routes to improve the lot of humankind. My experience in Yvette Citizen’s interpretation courses has enforced this conviction. It is only through open dialog that peoples can ameliorate their differences in a peaceful and foreword thinking way. With a multitude of nations and languages in this world, interpretation and interpreters play a critical role in this process.

I must say that a course is only as good as its instructor and on this count Citizen never failed to deliver. She has a way to deliver complex material in an accessible way. At the same time she helps you overcome your performance anxiety and stage fright by emphasizing what you do right while gently correcting your errors. It must be said that you are not molly coddled in class. You are expected to work hard, yet the atmosphere is distinctly convivial and conducive to learning and practice.

If you have never considered a career as an interpreter I suggest you take these courses. You may very well find new vistas opened to you that you had never considered before. If you are a student of English, the courses are an absolute must. If you are a foreign student, likewise. If you are currently out of school, but have some foundation with the English language, these courses will reawaken your desire to hone your skills in your second language.

It is a rare course that delivers more than it promises. However, with Yvette Citizen at the helm, it is the norm. She is an excellent educator with an open heart and a kind spirit. To miss a course that she gives is a loss indeed. Bottom line, take the interpretation courses when given.