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Materiales Seleccionados- Inglés II

Tema 1 :Personal Information
1. Integrated skill:

1.1 Presentation Exercise.
Objetivo: Utilizar las expresiones y preguntas más comunes para presentarse. «Dar y pedir información personal».

2. Grammar:
2.1  To Be.
2.2 Simple Present 
Objetivo: Utilizar el presente simple en forma afirmativa, enfocada en «rutinas diarias»2.3 How much/ how many.2.4 Like/Dislike.
Objetivo: El uso de agrado y desagrado, más sustantivo y verbo.
2.5 Daily Routines.
3. Vocabulary:

3.1 Food
3.2 Life style

4. Listening:

4.1 The Hamburguer
4.2 Review Exercises (How much/many,vocabulary,simple present verbs…)

5.- Reading:

5.1 A lost dog

5.2 The language school

6. Videos:

6.1 Exercise 1

6.2 Exercise 2

6.3 Exercise 3

Tema 2 : Comparisons
1. Grammar:

Comparative : er + adj + than.. more + adj + than..

Comparative and Superlative.

1.3  Comparative. 

1.4  Comparative and Superlative

2. Vocabulary:

2.1 Adjectives 1

2.2 Adjectives 2
Objetivo: El alumno aprenderá a hacer uso de los adjetivos posesivos para referirse a las pertenencias de las personas.

3.Listening and video. 

3.1.Adjectives. Video

3.2.Comparative and Superlatives. Video


Tema 3 : Ask for and give directions.
1. Integrated Skills:
1.1 Asking and Giving Directions.
2. Grammar:

2.3 Exercise
2.4 Asking for and giving directions
2.5 Imperatives
2.6 Exercise

3. Vocabulary:

3.1 Public places
3.2 Exercise

4. Listening:

4.1 Giving directions
4.2 Exercise

5. Self-evaluation
Tema 4 : Stores and restaurants
1.-How to order
2.-Ordering at a café
2.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2015/07/12/dialogue-ordering-coffee/
2.2 http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/ordering-food-cafe
3.-Would to offering
3.1 http://www.learn-english-online.org/Lesson32/Lesson32.htm
4 How to offer things
4.1 https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-offer-things-1212044
5.-Making invitations
5.1 https://www.thoughtco.com/making-invitations-1212043
6.-At the clothes store- Dialogue
6.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULmJYGcPl28 
7.1 Shopping7.2  Words and expressions
8.-Colors- Listening
8.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2013/07/09/conversacion-sobre-colores-en-ingles/
9.-Vegetables and fruits- Vocabulary
9.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2015/01/13/vocabulario-verduras-vegetables/
10.-Fruits- Pronunciación.
10.1 http://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2014/04/10/vocabulario-de-frutas-en-ingles-fruits-in-english/
11.1 How much/ how many.
112 This, That, These and Those. 
11.3 http://www.grammar.cl/Notes/This_That_These_Those.htm
11.4 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/es/english-grammar/pronouns/that-these-and-those
11.5 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/es/english-grammar/pronouns/one-and-ones
11.6 Which + One/Ones – Explanation
12. Clothes and colors – Vocabulary
12.1 Ropa, colores, presente continuo.
12.2 Colores
12.3 Clothes
12.4 Prendas de vestir.
12.5 This, That, These and Those.
Tema 5 : Past Events

1.1 verb to be in past 1
1.2 Verb to be in past 2
1.3 Verb to be in past 3
1.4 Verb to be in past 4
1.5 Exercise 1
1.6 Exercise 2
1.7 Exercise 3

1.8 There was/There where
1.11 Exercise 1
1.12 Exercise 2
1.13 Exercise 3
1.14 Regular Verbs 1
1.15 Regular verbs 2
1.16 Exercise 1
1.17 Exercise 2
1.18 Irregular verbs 1
1.19 Irregular verbs 2
1.20 Irregular verbs 3
1.21 Irregular verbs 4
1.22 Exercise 1
1.23 Exercise 2
1.24 Simple past 1
1.25 Simple past 2
1.26 Exercise

2. Vocabulary
2.1 Past Events
3. Listening
3.1 Listening
3.2 Exercise
4. Pronunciation
4.1 Past Tense of Regular verbs.
5. Self-evaluation
Tema 6 : Health problems.
1. Grammar
1.1 Should/shouldn’t.
1.2 Should/shouldn’t C.
1.3 Pronombres demostrativos
1.4 Exercise 1
1.5 Can para hacer peticiones Objetivo:conocer los conceptos generales del imperativo para dar órdenes en clase.
2. Vocabulary

2.1 Health
2.2 Remedies.
2.3 Expresions: what’s the matter?, I’ve got (a headache, a stomachache, etc)
2.4 Frases para hacer citas
2.5 Frases para hacer citas 2.

3. Reading
3.1 Doctor’s visit.
3.2 reading 2
4. Listening
4.1 Listening 1 
4.2 Listening 2
4.3 Making appointments 
Tema 7 : Personal stories
1. Grammar

1.1.1.Pasado continuo 1 

1.1.2.-Pasado continuo 2 

1.2. Pasado y pasado continuo

1.2.1Pasado simple y pasado continuo

1.2.2.Using the Past Continuous with the Simple Past Tense 

2. Exercises

2.1.Exercise 1 

2.2.Exercise 3 

2.3.Exercise 4 

2.4.Exercise 5 


3.1.Diferenciar Past simple-past continuos

3.2.The past continuos and past simple 

3.3 Past continuos tense/past progressive tense 


4.1. Listening 1 

4.2. Listening 2 


5.1.Reading 1

6. Vocabulary

6.1 Personal anecdotes

Tema 8 :Obligations and requirements

1.1 Can Can’t

1.2 Can Excersices

1.3 Have to/Has to

1.4 Have to/Has to excersice

1.5 Want-Need to

1.6 Need to, Have to..

1.7.Talking about obligation 

2. Vocabulary

2.1 Obligations and requirements


3.1 Listening 1

3.2 Listening 2

4. Reading

4.1 Reading 1

4.2 Reading 2


5.1Modals of obligation. 

Tema 9 :Invitations and projects
1. Grammar


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Fecha: 19 septiembre, 2024 Responsable: Wendolín A Alvarez Paz Contacto: walvarez@uv.mx