Universidad Veracruzana

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Foundation of the Program
Orientation: The Master in Health Systems Administration is a Professionalizing Program.


The health sector in Mexico, initiated a reorganization of the National System that overcomes the accumulated lags and that the services operate with greater quality and efficiency. In this regard, in the area of ​​health systems administration, the need to train trained human resources to deal with these new challenges in a competitive manner was detected.

With the objective that our country has access to the first world and is within the same level of professional training, universities have strived to offer programs of academic excellence, which respond with quality to the needs of society and thus be competitive with the partners of the FTA.

In this tenor of ideas, the Universidad Veracruzana in 1996 designs the curriculum of the Master in Health Systems Administration; This program was first implemented in the Veracruz Region School of Medicine in 1997.

In 2009, the Area Council approved the New Master’s Degree Program in Health Systems Administration, which was carried out based on the detection of the strengths and weaknesses of the first master’s program. It is important to note that being a professional master’s degree, the academic core is basically composed of teachers with experience in the Area, qualified for the teaching of professors enriched by their work experience.

The 2009 plan was enriched with a pro-therapeutic leveling course for the homogenization of knowledge, and a mentoring program that allows students to be followed in their academic career, with the purpose of timely delivery of the research project to be delivered as a defining part of the process of degree.


The Master in Health Systems Administration is committed to professionalizing high-quality human resources for strategic administration, health systems, human capital formation and for the management of public policy of this sector with scientific characteristics, of service, ethical, humanistic and permanent updating, focusing on the human being as a transforming agent.



The Master in Health Systems Administration seeks to be a leader among postgraduate institutions with related programs, working with innovative projects, training competent professionals, who contribute to the generation and application of knowledge according to social needs with an emphasis on promoting public policy of the health sector in order to guarantee through highly qualified personnel with the development and quality of the health systems of the regions and localities.


General objective

Professionalize human resources to effectively and efficiently administer the organizations providing health services making them competitive in the market and thus achieving results in accordance with public policies of the health sector.

Private Objectives

· Improve the quality of health services based on actions and decision making that seek to solve administrative problems.
· Apply human resources management with efficiency and humanistic sense oriented to quality assurance considering bioethical principles.
· Diagnose health problems that account for the intervention with a broad ethical sense and social commitment.
· Apply the administrative process from the domain of statistical theories and models taking into account the quality standards in health systems.
· Generate effective communication of the organization with openness and respect for change.
· Manage information systems as a tool in their administrative management.
· Comprehensively evaluate health organizations that lead to the quality of their services

Maintain terminal efficiency at least 70% in the program.
Increase student mobility by at least 20% considering the strength of the multisede.
Increase at least 2 academic stays per venue.
Make at least 2 publications of the academic core to strengthen the program and the academic and student community.
Strengthen the link between the participating organizations and institutions with which the program has.
Increase enrollment by at least 10% at both locations
By 2014, have an updated curriculum with a flexible curriculum.

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Fecha: 17 mayo, 2024 Responsable: Mtra. Ana Isabel Castillo Alarcon Contacto: anacastillo@uv.mx