Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the website of the Master in Health Systems Administration; In it you will find relevant information about the requirements of applicants, profile of admission, graduation and permanence, details of the curriculum, frequent questions and information of the generations, among others.
The Master in Health Systems Administration is a professionally oriented program and aims to: Professionalize highly trained human resources to administer and carry out research to solve the problems of health systems.

The curriculum is semi-flexible, considering that it focuses on learning ways and methods of thinking with a holistic approach and supported by research activities to implement the autonomous training of the graduate student and its implementation dates back to the year 1997, forming to the date 2019, 16 generations.

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Fecha: 17 mayo, 2024 Responsable: Mtra. Ana Isabel Castillo Alarcon Contacto: anacastillo@uv.mx