Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the website of the Master’s Degree in Translational Biomedicine (MTB), attached to the Medical-Biological Research Institute of the Universidad Veracruzana. The MTB is a program that arises from the need to generate a link between disciplines related to the area of ​​Health Sciences, the generation of resources, and the application of new techniques that promote improvement in the prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of diseases that afflict to our community. The MTB is an innovative proposal that is oriented toward the acquisition of knowledge and skills that favor the development of the student in research in Translational Biomedicine.

The MTB curriculum is made up of educational experiences in the basic area, which are intended to provide students with fundamental knowledge about Translational Biomedicine.

The disciplinary area includes experiences of the profile of fundamental health sciences so that the student knows and understands the physiological bases of the organism to later understand the pathophysiology in a state of disease.

The terminal-training area consists of specific modules that address oncological, infectious, metabolic, and gastrointestinal pathologies so that students can develop the ability to identify areas of opportunity in the clinical area and be able to propose innovative solutions.

We invite you to take a tour of our page and send us your suggestions and comments to enrich it.



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C. Agustín de Iturbide, Salvador Díaz Mirón, 91700 Veracruz, Ver., México

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Fecha: 28 mayo, 2024 Responsable: Karina Guadalupe Hernández Flores Contacto: karinhernandez@uv.mx