Manuscripts must be submitted to the editor of the Journal ENEUROBIOLOGÍA. Authors should provide a list with names and addresses of four potential referees who should not be directly associated with the research in the submitted manuscript. ENEUROBIOLOGÍA accepts manuscripts written in English or Spanish.
The Editors of ENEUROBIOLOGÍA will use forwarded referees reviews at their discretion. The Editors may use the reports directly to make a decision, or request further reviews if considered necessary.
Please note that even though manuscript source files are converted to PDF at submission for the review process, these source files are needed for further processing after acceptance. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, takes place by e-mail ( removing the need for a hard-copy paper trail.
Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer copyright. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. A letter will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript. A form for facilitation of copyright transfer will be provided.
Please indicate clearly all contact details for the corresponding author including address, phone, fax, e-mail and affiliation. The submitted manuscript must be unpublished, not having been sent simultaneously to other journals or be accepted for publication. Previous partial publications of the content of the manuscript such as abstracts should be indicated in the manuscript.
The cover letter accompanying the manuscript must include a statement that the experimental protocol was approved by an Institutional Review Committee for the use of Human or Animal Subjects or that procedures are in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki for human subjects, the National Institutes of Health Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Publication No. 85-23, revised 1985), the UK Animals Scientific Procedures Act 1986 the European Communities Council Directive of 24 November 1986 (86/609/EEC) or Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM-062-ZOO-1999). This statement is required both in the cover letter as well as in the Methods section of the manuscript. Manuscripts will be returned if there is sufficient evidence that these accepted procedures and good ethical standards have not been followed.
Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively online to:
Text, figures and tables should be stored in separate files within one compressed folder. The submission process will convert all files to PDF format. However, it should be sent with the specifications mentioned above. All correspondence including receipt of the manuscript, the notification of the decision of the Editor, corrections of referees, acceptance of the article, review applications and proofs will be via e-mail.
Papers writing in English or Spanish
Cover Page:
A cover page should be included with the manuscript containing the title in English and Spanish; author(s) names and affiliation(s) in superscript numbers (with city, state, zip code and country, including e-mails). All contact details for the corresponding author must be included at the bottom of the cover page with name, address, post office box, telephone and e-mail.
Abstract and keywords:
The submitted manuscript must contain both English and Spanish abstract versions no longer that 250 words each and structured with the following sections: introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results and conclusions. A list of three to six keywords must also be provided at the bottom.
Manuscript text (introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements and references):
Manuscripts can be written in either English or Spanish languages, double-spaced with wide margins (at least two inches) in Microsoft Word or Apple Pages Inc, using Times New Roman 11 font. Contents should be structured within sections as follows: introduction with the objectives implicit in the final paragraph, material and methods, results, discussion and conclusions.
Laboratory equipment and drugs: must refer to the full company’s name. In the case of drugs, generic names should be followed by the trade name in parenthesis. For surgical procedures in animals the type, dose and duration of the anaesthetic agent used must be specified. Please avoid the use of chemical structural formulas, charts or diagrams process flow and complex mathematical operations. Italics can be used to emphasize. All tables and illustrations must be indicated within the text body.
References should be typed double-spaced on a separate page at the end of the manuscript, arranged in alphabetical order. All items in the list of references should be cited in the text and, conversely, all references cited in the text must be presented in the list. We recommend the use of updated references. The references should include only articles that are published or in press. The list of references cited in the manuscript should contain the following: 1) surname and initials of all authors (surname precedes initials), 2) title, 3) abbreviated name of the journal according to the List of Journals Indexed for Medline, 4) year, volume and page numbers. For example:
Manzo J, Miquel M, Toledo R, Mayor-Mar JA, García LI, Aranda-Abreu GE, Caba M, Hernández ME. Fos expression at the cerebellum following non-contact arousal and mating behavior in male rats. Physiology & Behavior 2008 93: 357-363.
The book references should be arranged as follows:
If the reference is a book chapter will be cited as follows:
Mathey LI, Rojas F, Quintanar A, Manzo J, Chavarria P, García LI, Aranda-Abreu GE, Hernández ME. Hiperprolactinemia, próstata y conducta sexual. En: Quintanar JL (Ed.). Neurobiología experimental de la conducta: Fundamentos y tópicos afines. Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. 2006, pp 67-85.
If the reference is a book will be cited as follows:
Greene EC. Anatomy of the Rat. Hafner Press, New York. 1935, p10-30.
Each figure should be submitted as an individual colour or grayscale TIFF format file with dimensions ranging between 500 x 500 and 1500 x 1500 pixels and a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Computer-generated illustrations must be of good quality. Please, use scales consistently. Do not insert pictures or illustrations in the manuscript. All figures must be numbered and noted in the appropriate place within the manuscript.
Each table should be captured double-spaced in a separate page provided with a short title and containing only the most relevant information to avoid duplicate material from the text and/or illustrations. Statistical measures such as standard deviation, standard error, etc., must be indicated when applicable. Use short or abbreviated title in columns. Table titles and foot notes should be typed on a separate page.
Figure and table legends:
All legends must be typed double-spaced on a separate page accompanied with the title and number of the corresponding figure or table.
The items were structured in full accordance with point number 3 a-g.
Short Communications are brief but comprehensive. Short papers are the way to publish preliminary, and novelty findings that may have an important impact in the area. Short communications must not exceed 4,500 words. Please, note the word count on the cover page. A maximum of four (4) figures and / or tables can be included.
Review articles aim to provide a full description of a particular subject and consist of a series of related reviews of experts on a broad topic. The goal of the review is to provide an introduction to a subject that is accessible to readers of the many sub-disciplines of neuroscience. The text may contain the introduction, development (with captions that the author consider appropriate), methods, discussion, conclusion, and other subdivisions, when necessary.
About the Care and Use of Experimental Animals
See section 1, ethics.
Conflict of Interest: Conflict Of Interest Statement
The authors must indicate when there are any conflicts of interest, sponsorship or grants.
ENEUROBIOLOGÍA guarantees complete confidentiality during the whole evaluation process.
The electronic journal ENEUROBIOLOGÍA acquires all rights of published work covering the distribution and publication thereof. Therefore, each author on the manuscript must transfer these rights to the journal ENEUROBIOLOGÍA.