Año 3 • No. 126 • diciembre 1 de 2003 Xalapa • Veracruz • México
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Centro de Estudios y Programas Interamericanos
Call for Resident Fellowship Applications: The Center for Inter-American Studies and Programs at ITAM. Mexico City. (Centro de Estudios y Programas Interamericanos CEPI)

Eligibility: Professionals from diverse disciplines, from Mexico, the U.S., Canada and other countries.

Deadline for Application: December 1, 2003 and March 15, 2004.

CEPI, with the support of the Ford Foundation, invites applications from professionals of diverse disciplines and sectors to participate in its Resident Fellowship program for 2004, based at the Instituto Tecnologico Autononomo de Mexico (ITAM), located in Mexico City. The CEPI mission is to provide a space for discussion and specialized research on inter-American issues in order to stimulate greater understanding and interest in this area.

CEPI is offering a limited number of Resident Fellowships annually to nationals of any country from the following sectors: academic; public sector, diplomatic, and intergovernamental organizations; and civil society organizations, including the media. The duration of the Resident Fellowships will range from three to nine months. Only in exceptional cases will CEPI offer residencies of less than three months or more than nine months.

(This list is meant as a guideline only)

· Transnational networks (legal and illegal)
· Migration
· Security and terrorism
· Economic and financial convergence
· Remittances and their effects
· Processes of integration and free trade
· Foreign direct investment
· Governability
· Citizenship and democracy
· Transparency and access to public information
· Regional and international institutions and structures
· United States influence in the region
· Latin American and Caribbean influences in the United States and Canada
· The environment and natural resources
· Human rights
· Rule of law


Resident Fellows will receive the following benefits:
· A monthly stipend
· Financial assistance with transportation and moving expenses
· An optional medical insurance package
· Office space with a computer
· A research assistant
· Formal affiliation with the host institution
· Logistical assistance with housing in Mexico City
Resident Fellows will have the following obligations:
· To complete their proposed research project
· To offer a lecture or speech at the host institution
· To publish a synopsis of their research in the CEPI bulletin
· To dedicate themselves full-time to their research project

Applicants interested in commencing their residency in the first semester (January-June) of 2004 must fill out the application form found on the CEPI
website: http://interamericanos.itam.mx and submit it no later than December 1, 2003.

To take up residency during the second semester (August-December) of 2004, applications must be submitted no later than March 15, 2004.

For further information on the CEPI Resident Fellowships at ITAM, consult the CEPI website at http://interamericanos.itam.mx or contact the Center’s coordinator:

Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
Rio Hondo 1, Colonia Tizapan San Angel, Delegacion Alvaro Obregon,
Mexico, D.F. 01000 Mexico
Telephone: (5255) 5628 4000 ext. 3926
Fax: (5255) 5628 4092
E-mail: interamericanos@itam.mx