Año 3 • No. 144 • junio 14 de 2004 Xalapa • Veracruz • México
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  It Boils Down to Attitude
Jay Bildstein
Life presents a mixed bag of happenings and circumstances. Some good, some bad and some in between. We can plan for the ups and downs that existence holds in store for us, but we cannot control everything. Many things that take place in life are the result of random circumstance. In the face of uncertainty and the inevitable daily challenges that we all must face, our most important ally is our attitude. A good attitude.

The ability to enjoy life is steeped more in the way we perceive what we experience than experience itself. We can take hard times and view them as a curse. We can take hard times and view them as a learning experience, setting us up for future success. The difference between these viewpoints is our attitude. A good attitude is to our lives what sunshine is to plants. It helps us to grow. It fosters not simply our survival but our ability to flourish.

We can view doing poorly on a test as a reflection of our selfworth or we can take it as a stimulus to work harder next time so that we may display the stuff of which we are truly made. We can play a sport and lose and consider ourselves losers or we can accept it as nothing more than temporary non-success, spurring us to greater efforts in the next game. What guides us, what helps us see things as opportunities rather than persecutions, is a positive attitude.

Sadness, loss, fear and insecurity are all emotions that take hold of people from time to time. The remedy, the medicine, the antidote for these feelings is an attitude, a practiced attitude, a trained attitude that keeps us believing in the promise of tomorrow.

The more positive we are as human beings, the more we can aid our fellow man. Our value to society is increased when our value to ourselves is respected. Our value to ourselves is in direct proportion to what we believe. We cannot see or taste our outlook on life, but it guides us in how we process life’s experiences. A good attitude is essential to a good life.
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