Año 2 • No. 47 • noviembre 26 de 2001 Xalapa • Veracruz • México
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For Distinguished Public Service in Latin America
The Notre Dame Prize…
1.- Rationale: Far-sighted leaders have been crucial for economic prosperity, social well-being, and good government in Latin America. Yet, with the partial exception of the Cabot Prize for journalists, there is no major prize honoring a Latin American for distinguished public service. This is a remarkable omission. The University of Notre Dame and The Coca-Cola Company wants to remedy this situation by paying tribute to Latin Americans who have made an outstanding contribution to their country or region. By making these awards, we hope to draw hemisphere-wide attention to outstanding leadership in public service.
2.- Criteria: The Notre Dame Award for Distinguished Public Service in Latin America will be awarded to a Latin American who has shown distinction in public service and who is widely acknowledged to have served the public in an effective, honest, and dignified manner in one or more countries of different fields in which an individual may further the public good: government , nongovernmental organizations, religion, education, the media, philantropy, or other significant civic involvement.
3.- The Award: In addition to the recognition, the award wil carry a cash prize of $10,000 (USD) with a matching amount given to a Latin American charitable organization designated by the recipient. The recipient will receive the award at Notre Dame. The prize will be formaly awared at a ceremony by Father Eduard Malloy, President of the University of Notre Dame. The recipient will make a major public adderess at Notre Dame and will be on campus to interact with
Notre Dame undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and University leaders.
4.- Process: Send nominations to Scott Mainwarning, Director, Kellog Institute, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5677, USA; telephone: 219- 631-6580; fax: 219-631-6717; email: Mainwarning.1@nd.edu. Nominations must be recibed by december 1, 2001. Please send a one-page letter explaining the nominee's contributions to public service in Latin America and, if possible, a CV. The public presentation of the award will take place may 13, 2002.